Monday, February 7, 2011

National Pie Day party!

Where is my head? Stuck in a pie, perhaps. I completely forgot to share my National Pie Day party with you. Yes, January 23rd was officially National Pie Day........started by the American Pie Council, of course.

I love holidays, and a holiday celebrating pie? I'm there.
Any excuse for a party.
I set up a pie buffet sampling five kinds of pie.
I made fabulous paper placemats from CakeVintage into a runner,
then stacked the pies into various heights on vintage cake stands.
Pies were identified by tags held by bulldog clips,
 and the bar was fully stocked with wine and prosecco.
Everyone seemed happy to indulge, and chess pie was voted the favorite of the day.


  1. What a glorious holiday, Christine--so sad that I missed it! I'll be sure and celebrate it along with you next year, that's for sure! All the pies look amazing & everything looks so warm & festive!

    Hope you're having a wonderful day!


  2. Ok my have way too much fun down there. Happy February 7th...half way to Valentines Day...can't wait to see your Valentine's PIE! xoxoxoxoo

  3. It was ah-mazing! Dreaming of a Valentine's Day pie:)
