Friday, April 27, 2012

Friday is PIE DAY!

PIE DAY is delayed this week due to a crazy schedule.
Will be baking and posting this weekend, so stay tuned.
In the meantime, enjoy this very silly pie song.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Food Porn at Kitchen in the Market

Recently, I attended a Food Porn photography class at Kitchen In the Market. One of my goals is to constantly be improving my photography skills. I still get a little nervous around a camera, but little by little my confidence is growing. A basics class at National Camera helped increase my technical knowledge, and this class, well, this class was just lots of fun. Champagne, wine, great food and lots of photo taking-what's not to love?
The scene was set with appetizer trays loaded with veggies and quail eggs ready to be dipped in vodka, then in a variety of salts and spices. Being able to play with your food helped set the tone and encouraged play with your camera as well.
Plenty of water and wine were provide for snapping and sipping. 
We were also allowed and encouraged to wander into the working kitchen for more photo opportunities.
This bin of green caught my eye... did the unfinished lunch of someone working in the kitchen.
The "main course" menu included polenta rounds with chutney and pork tenderloin.
take a bite, take a photo, take a bite, take a photo.
Our day was rounded out with dessert-lemon rosemary shortbread.
Apparently I was too busy eating them to take a photo of the final product.

Thanks to Amber, Stephanie, Kitchen in the Market, West Photo and our super chef for a fantastic day. Check Kitchen in the Market for current class offerings and a summer Food Porn series!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Friday is PIE DAY!

Rhubarb season is gearing up in Minnesota, and I am gearing up to try new rhubarb pie recipes.
As a warm up, I used the last of my frozen rhubarb to make a pie for the weekend.
I made two of these for the game feed, but it all got slurped up before I got a bite. Ever since, I have been aching for a taste. This morning is my sweet (or tart in this case) reward. A small slice and a cup of coffee are at my side as I write this....

Cran-Apple Rhubarb Pie
recipe by me

double 9" pie crust

1 cup whole cranberries, fresh or frozen
1 cup chopped rhubarb, fresh or frozen
(if using frozen, thaw and drain well)
2 cups apples; peeled, cored and sliced
1 1/2 cups sugar
2 T flour
2 T butter
1/4 t nutmeg
1/4 t cinnamon
-combine all fruits in large bowl and mix well
-add sugar and flour, stir until combined
-spoon mixture into unbaked pie crust
-dot with pieces of butter
-sprinkle with nutmeg and cinnamon
-top with crust, seal, crimp, and vent
-bake at 350 degrees for 60-70 minutes, until top is golden brown and filling is bubbling
ooooohhhhhh-This pie makes me really, really happy. The color is gorgeous, and a double whammy tart of cranberries and rhubarb is tamed just enough by the slightly sweet apples. Bring on rhubarb season-I'm ready!
Happy PIE DAY everyone.
xo Christine

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

What is this? A cake?

Over the weekend I got a crazy craving for a good old fashion slice of cake. Just a sugary, spicy, crunchy square of goodness. I really don't understand why people use cake mixes. It is so simple to mix up a quick batter, pour it in a pan, and bake. Even easier than pie:)

Oatmeal Spice Cake with Broiled Frosting
recipe by me

1 1/2 cups boiling water
1 cup old fashioned oats
1/2 cup butter, softened
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup white sugar
2 eggs
1 1/2 cups all purpose flour
1 t baking soda
1/2 t cinnamon
1/2 t nutmeg
1/4 t salt

-pour boiling water over oats and mix well.
-in separate bowl, cream butter and sugars
-add eggs and beat for 2 minutes, until well blended
-add flour, soda, cinnamon, nutmeg and salt
-mix all in
-add to oatmeal mixture and stir until smooth
-spoon into greased 9 x 13 inch pan
-bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes
-cool on rack (in pan)

Broiled Frosting

1/3 cup brown sugar
1 cup sweetened flaked coconut
1 cup chopped nuts (I like pecans)
6 T butter, softened
1/4 t vanilla

-combine all ingredients and spread on top of cooled cake
-broil for 5 minutes, until golden brown
Try to hold off for a minute or two before you dig into a slice. The topping is mighty hot right out of the broiler. Not that I know from experience or anything......The taste of this cake drums up a lot of nostalgia for me. Teamed with a steaming mug of coffee and a new magazine, it makes the perfect afternoon respite.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Friday is PIE DAY!

It is another bulk pie making day for me.
I have an order for Easter pies, and the last batch is in the oven baking away.
Choosing an Easter pie is always a tough choice for me,
but I seem to end up with a pie containing citrus, coconut, or both.
(unless I make my other Easter favorite-carrot pie)

A few weeks ago, I made an assortment of coconut goodies,
and I obviously still had coconut on the brain.

This year's winner?
Coconut custard.
An amazingly simple and classic pie.
Because this pie relies on just a few ingredients, I like to use fresh local eggs and organic milk.
It makes such a difference in the custard!

Coconut Custard Pie
my recipe
makes one 9" pie

single 9" pie crust

4 eggs
2/3 cup sugar
1/4 t salt
1 t vanilla
2 cups whole milk
1 cup shredded sweetened coconut

-in medium bowl, lightly beat eggs
-add sugar, salt and vanilla
-whisk to blend
-add milk
-whisk by hand for two minutes
-stir in coconut
-carefully pour into prepared pie crust
-bake at 450 degrees for 15 minutes
-reduce heat to 350 degrees
-bake an additional 25-30 minutes
until custard is set and toothpick comes out clean
-cool and serve with fresh whipped cream (and maybe fresh berries!)

 (c) copyright Pies and Aprons April 2012

Thursday, April 5, 2012


Many little treasures have made their way
into my life this week.
 I have an overachiever Bleeding Heart plant.
Always earlier and bigger
than the others, but this year
is by far the earliest blooming date.
One of my favorites garden classics.
I first spied one of these and thought it was ceramic.
To my delight, it is actually made out of wood.
Even dreamier when I found it's mate
hidden on the next shelf.
Hey muchacha.
This coy little fella caught my eye.
I think he is a chihuahua.
He is made out of some funky spiky stuff
and all dressed up
with sombrero and glitter.
How absolutely silly.
Check me out amiga.
 Speaking of silly.
This cutie found me
just in time for Easter.

So much joy packed into tiny packages.