Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Ribbon Week: Day 2

Lanterns, garlands, pom poms.
I am a nut for any festive and colorful
doo-dad hanging from the rafters.
Inexpensive paper lanterns can be
found in any size and color.
Here is an easy way to personalize
yours with ribbon.
The plain old lantern. As is, off the shelf.
Snooze fest.
Choose a wide ribbon
in a contrasting color.
Measure a length to run
from top to bottom of the lantern.
Using this cut ribbon as a guide,
cut the total number of lengths you need.
I chose to cover each seam on the lantern,
giving me a total of 8 ribbons.
Using spray adhesive,
affix each length of ribbon to the lantern.
I moved outside for this step,
and you should too.
Spray adhesive is amazing but darn stinky! 
My lantern came with a plastic hanger.
 I simply removed the plastic hanger,
then replaced with a complimentary ribbon.
A slim ribbon is easy to slip through
the opening, and will look great hanging.
Be sure to tie a knot on each side to secure.
(Your lantern may have a different hanging
mechanism. Just adjust as needed)
I love simple changes that have a big impact!