Friday, February 18, 2011

Friday is PIE DAY!

At my National Pie Day party, I received a bottle of key lime juice as a hostess gift. Thanks Gayle!
It came to mind last night as I was mulling over what kind of pie to make for this week's PIE DAY.
Still undecided this morning, I checked the fridge. I have been putting off any trips to the grocery store this week, so the pickings were a little spare. But, aha!, a lime and 3 eggs......coupled with the key lime juice, this was all I needed to hit on the perfect pie for the day. Using my Shaker Lemon Pie recipe as a guide, I created this simple, tart wonder. I just sampled the first piece on my sunny front porch, and promptly named it Sunny Day Lime Pie. It fits my mood and the day to a tee. Such a happy (and simple!) pie.

Sunny Day Lime Pie

single 9" pie crust
1 medium lime
1 1/2 cups sugar
3 eggs
1/4 cup key lime juice
1/8 t salt

-zest lime, then slice off ends and remaining peel, being sure to remove all of the white pith
-slice lime very thinly
-mix zest and lime slices with sugar
-let stand one hour
-beat eggs into sugar mixture
-add key lime juice and salt
-beat well for 2 minutes
-pour into prepared pie crust
-bake at 400 degrees for 10 minutes
-reduce oven temperature to 350 degrees
-bake an additional 30 minutes
-let cool completely before slicing


  1. Now this my friend looks amazing...I am so into pie because of YOU!

    It was 9pm last night and I felt like making a lemon I DID!

    sending you oooooodles of love this weekend. xoxoxox
